Emmett Louis Till Math and Science Academy (2011-2012) Art Galleries (back to all gallery types) Till Art: "How I Would Make the World a Better and More Beautiful Place," inspired by Barbara Cooney’s Miss Rumphius, 2011-2012 Slideshow Till Art: "My Favorite Part" of Crocodile, Crocodile by Peter Nickl and Binette Schroeder, 2011-2012 Slideshow Till Art: "Poems," inspired by Ogden Nash’s The Adventures of Isabel and Gwendolyn Brooks’ Bronzeville Boys and Girls, 2011 - 2012 Slideshow Till Art: "The Place I Want to Visit Most in the World," inspired by Laurent de Brunhoff's Babar’s World Tour, 2011 - 2012 Slideshow Till Art: "What my Pet Would Do at Night," inspired by Nina Laden’s The Night I Followed the Dog, 2011 - 2012 Slideshow